Senin, 30 Maret 2015

International Accounting

Inf Syst Front (2013) 15:695704
DOI 10.1007/s10796-013-9454-5
Green Information Systems & Technologies - This Generation and Beyond: Introduction to the Special Issue
Research Method
Much of the academic work schools of business and management ofIS, especially in the most influential journals in this field, focus greatly on a social sciences and theory based approach to addressing issues.The question remains on whether GreenIS and ITshould also be only focused on traditional IS research paper paradigm of social science research.GreenIS and ITresearch, to be effective in the short and long-term, will need to break the mold to stimulate solution-based research.
In our observation, the problem is that we needresearch that can take giant steps to solve global warming, climate change, and other pervasive environmental issues.It is not clear where and when these papers will occur.Incremental, baby steps can then fill in the gaps created by the giant steps.Unfortunately, forIS and ITresearch, and maybe academic work (serious, robust, theoretical) in general, it is very difficult to take these giant steps.
IS research may have ‘missed the boat’ when it decided to become a social science rather than a solution science and settled on incremental influence.A clarion call is needed for solutions to solve this critical and ‘wicked’ problem of human influences on natural systems. Given the crises that are being faced, a practical question for our IS and IT community is whether theory can come after we focus on solving the problem, assuming we can.
In our field’s brief history, much of the early work in IT (first) and IS (second) on environmental issues was in the technology driven area of study, for example with IEEE and itssymposia in the 1990s.Engineers and industry practitioners mostly drove this research.The core IS academic journals, until recently, have not focused on environmental sustainability.Can we join with industry researchers and practitioners to be able to focus on solutions?How do we convince ourselves, and even this journal, and this special issue that solution sciences are what is needed?Is theory and academic publication enough, working with engineers and applied IS researchers, and practitioners is needed. The lead time for academia and academic journals may be too long to influence practice, especially when a problem such as globally warming needs urgent attention.
There is a question on whether IS academics and researchers care enough and need to be missionary in our push to get IS scholars and the IS community involved in solving the most important problem of our time.A basic question is whether academic researchers should be cold and critical, or caring, compassionate and driven to find solutions.This concern is not only true for our discipline, but all academic disciplines.
We are unsure if what we provide here are giant steps or baby steps.Whether the work is traditional or solutions based.We will leave that up to the reader.The papers did undergo significant and rigorous review, as any journal would require.If the reader finds an article that can influence their organization, family member, friends, or community to rethink their behavior or adopt a certain practice, then share this information.If this research sparks the reader’s interest, become involved, do your own research, develop insights and spread the message, it is too important not to be heard by our research community and its stakeholde
Pokok Bahasan
Not only is there an issue of how IS can help organizational and cross-organizational practices, but the environmental implications of hardware, software,and databasesand their infrastructure and operations can be quite extensive. IT itself may cause substantial negative ecological footprints and need to be managed accordingly.For example a greater need for energy and materials may be required. While an average desktop personal computer and monitor requires ten times its weight in water, fossil fuels, and chemicals as material and resource inputs (e.g., implementing virtualization servers, improvement in cooling systems, recycling of hardware, e-wasting management, green procurement policy for software and hardware) (Sayeed and Gill, 2008). Large quantities of energy, materials, and chemicals are consumed during the production phase, not all of which will be contained in the final products.
Environmental software to support green IS and IT management range from auditing and managing emissions to analyzing energy and minimizing waste. More recent aspects of software systems include the utilization of Life-Cycle-Analysis (LCA),which goes beyond the organizational boundaries.Design for environment (DfE) databases also plays a role, which may integrate supplier and vendor data and processes. The management of hardware, software and its usage is critical to organizational greening.Many additional examples exist concerning the roles and influence of Green IS and IT, some of these are now discussed as issues and research that might be completed in this area.They are not meant to be exhaustive and represent some of what we, the special issue guest editors, feel are important and emergent issues in GreenIS and ITissues.

This paper is the guest editorial for the special issue on Green Information Systems and Technologies. In this paper environmental sustainability issues relevant to industry, communities, and individuals are initially presented.Some background information on green IS and green IT and the latest practices are introduced to provide the reader with a more complete picture of the complexities involved in greening and sustainability activities.A portion of the editorial is devoted to the concern that the focus and debate on IS as a social science and not a solution science may actually dampen immediate and significant progress.Papers in the special issue are then overviewed and integrated.
This paper focuses on the development and
application of formal quantitative model approach and focus on the many intangible and less
direct benefits associated with green IS and IT investments. Using the theory of ecological modernization as a key driver for

International Accounting

Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

Perbandingan Kode Etik Akuntan dan Kode Etik Kedokteran Pada Masa Akhir


Akuntan Publik

Naungan Instansi/Perkumpulan
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia ( IAI)
Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)

Semua Anggota IAI-KAP
Semua Anggota IDI

Surat Keputusan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia
NO. 221 /PB/A.4/04/2002
Tentang Penerapan Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia

Isi dari Kode Etik
a.      Prinsip Etika
b.      Aturan Etika
c.      Interpretasi Aturan Etika
a.       Kewajiban Umum
b.      Kewajiban Kepada Pasien
c.       Kewajiban Kepada Diri Sendiri dan Teman Sejawat

Prinsip – Prinsip Kode Etik
a.     Independece
b.     Integritas
c.     Objektivitas
d.    Tanggung jawab
a.       Beneficience
b.      Non Maleficence
c.       Autonomy
d.      Justice

Prinsip Integritas
a.     Integritas dapat menerima kesalahan yang tidak disengaja dan perbedaan pendapat yang jujur, tetapi tidak dapat menerima kecurangan atau ketiadaan prinsip
b.     Kepercayaan public merupakan patokan bagi anggota dalam menguji semua keputusan yang diambilnya
a.       Setiap dokter harus senantiasa berhati-hati dalam mengumumkan dan menerapkan setiap penemuan teknik atau pengobatan baru yang belum diuji kebenarannya dan hal-hal yang dapat menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat
b.      Dalam melakukan pekerjaan kedokterannya, seorang dokter tidak boleh dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu yang mengakibatkan hilangnya kebebasan dan kemandirian profesi

Surat Keputusan Pengurus Besar
Ikatan Dokter Indonesia
NO. 221 /PB/A.4/04/2002
Penerapan Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia

Pasal 1
Setiap dokter harus menjunjung tinggi, menghayati dan mengamalkan Sumpah Dokter.
Pasal 2
Seorang dokter harus senantiasa berupaya melaksanakan profesinya sesuai dengan standard profesi yang tertinggi.
Pasal 3
Dalam melakukan pekerjaan kedokterannya, seorang dokter tidak boleh dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu
yang mengakibatkan hilangnya kebebasan dan kemandirian profesi.
Pasal 4
Setiap dokter harus menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan yang bersifat memuji diri.
Pasal 5
Tiap perbuatan atau nasehat yang mungkin melemahkan daya tahan psikis maupun fisik hanya diberikan untuk kepentingan dan kebaikan pasien, setelah memperoleh persetujuan pasien.
Pasal 6
Setiap dokter harus senantiasa berhati hati dalam mengumumkan dan menerapkan setiap penemuan tehnik atau pengobatan baru yang belum diuji kebenarannya dan hal hal yang dapat menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat.
Pasal 7
Seorang dokter hanya memberi surat keterangan dan pendapat yang telah diperiksa sendiri kebenarannya..

Pasal 7a
Seorang dokter harus, dalam setiappraktek medisnya, memberikan pelayanan medis yang kompeten dengan kebebasan teknis dan moral sepenuhnya, disertai rasa kasih sayang ( compassion ) dan penghormatan atas martabat manusia.
Pasal 7b
Seorang dokter harus bersikap jujur dalam berhubungan dengan pasien dansejawatnya, dan berupaya untuk mengingatkan sejawatnya yang dia ketahui memiliki kekurangan dalam karakter atau kompetensi, atau yang melakukan penipuan atau penggelapan, dalam menangani pasien.
Pasal 7c
Seorang dokter harus menghormati hak hak pasien, hak hak sejawatnya, dan hak tenaga kesehatan lainnya, dan harus menjaga kepercayaan pasien.
Pasal 7d
Setiap dokter harus senantiasa mengingat akan kewajiban melindungi hidup mahluk insani.
Pasal 8
Dalam melakukan pekerjaannya seorang dokter harus memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat dan memperhatikan semua aspek pelayanan kesehatan yang menyeluruh ( promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif ), baik fisik maupun psiko-sosial, serta berusaha menjadi pendidik dan pengabdi masyarakat yang sebenar benarnya.
Pasal 9
Setiap dokter dalam bekerja sama dengan para pejabat dibidang kesehatan dan bidang lainnya serta masyarakat, harus saling menghormati.

Pasal 10
Setiap dokter wajib bersikap tulus ikhlas dan mempergunakan segala ilmu dan ketrampilannya untuk kepentingan pasien. Dalam hal ini ia tidak mampu melakukan suatu pemeriksaan atau pengobatan, maka atas persetujuan pasien, ia wajib merujuk pasien kepada dokter yang mempunyai keahlian dalam penyakit tersebut.
Pasal 11
Setiap dokter harus memberikan kesempatan kepada pasien agar senantiasa dapat berhubungan dengan keluarga dan penasehatnya dalam beribadat dan atau dalam masalah lainnya.
Pasal 12
Setiap dokter wajib merahasiakan segala sesuatu yang diketahuinya tentang seorang pasien, bahkan juga setelah pasien itu meninggal dunia.
Pasal 13
Setiap dokter wajib melakukan pertolongan darurat sebagai suatu tugas perikemanusiaan, kecuali bila ia yakin ada orang lain bersedia dan mampu memberikannya.

Pasal 14
Setiap dokter memperlakukan teman sejawatnya sebagaimana ia sendiri ingin diperlakukan.
Pasal 15
Setiap dokter tidak boleh mengambil alih pasien dari teman sejawat, kecuali dengan persetujuan atau berdasarkan prosedur yang etis.

Pasal 16
Setiap dokter harus memelihara kesehatannya, supaya dapat bekerja dengan baik.
Pasal 17
Setiap dokter harus senantiasa mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tehnologi kedokteran/kesehatan.


Angga Ari Puspita                20211847
Asti Iga Purnomo                  21211269
Atikah Putriyani                   27211940
Dwi Haryanto                        22211240
Emi Sari                                 22211428
Fajar Rahmana                     22211643
Hanny Dharmawan              23211202
Indri Kusnita                         23211618
Jonathan Gultom                  23211861
Kadek Ari Supawan             23211895
M. Ridwan Setiawan           24211566
Nur Puji Winarsih                25211319
Parida Rachman                   28211830
Regino Rahman Bustami     25211938